What is hyip ?
What is HYIP ?
HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program.
If you’ve searched around the Internet for different ways to make money online, there’s no doubt that you’ve come across the term “HYIP“. You might have just skipped it and paid it no mind, but if you’re reading this article right now, you must have questioned what the term encompasses. HYIP stands for “High Yield Investment Programs”, which covers all programs, offline and online, that are used to invest money to receive a higher yield than you would normally get at a bank.
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HYIPs risks
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a safe or strong investment. Look to HYIPs as more like gambling than an investment, and only use money that you can afford to lose. HYIPs basically take the investments of their members and invest them as a whole into more standard investments, including stocks, high yield bonds, foreign exchange trading (FOREX), or other programs. It works almost like a loan to the creator of the HYIP in which they pay you back with the profits that they gain on your money, kind of like interest on your principle.
HYIP online programs have different interest payment terms, and you need to know all the rules before you join up with one. They can either pay a daily percentage, which is usually in the range of 1 to 10%, weekly, which can pay anywhere from 5 to 50%, and monthly, which can pay anywhere from 20 to 200%. Make sure that you find one that meets your needs in terms of profit gains, such as if you’re doing it short term or long term. Studying all the site information, including the FAQ, the terms and anything else you may come across is a good idea if you want to know what’s happening with your hard-earned dollars.

How it works?
Starting off with an HYIP online is simple, since all you have to do is register with them and then deposit some money into your HYIP account using the payment processor that they outline. The profits are paid out to the same processor to streamline the process.
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