PLANS: 1.49% - 2% Hourly For 70 Hours / 5% - 8% Hourly For 40 Hours / 15% - 18% Hourly For 20 Hours / 1.2% Daily For 60 Days / 6% Daily For 20 Days / 110% After 4 Days
Our withdrawals from
Oct 24, 2020
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Instant withdrawal to PrefectMoney
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Sep 20, 2020
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Instant withdrawal to PrefectMoney
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Our deposits on
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Deposit by Perfect Money
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Deposited by PerfectMoney
We’ve received many reports that they block deposits with large amount of money We highly recommend not making deposit larger than your afford to loss zone. If you want to invest, then only the minimum amounts and only on the first investment plan.
About the HourSoftBank :
Our team of highly experienced professional traders give YOU a massive advantage in ANY market. We use a variety of WINNING strategies to profit no matter what other investors are experiencing. During these times when markets are up and down, HourSoftBank offers the proven platform for earning a great income trading in both Bear and Bull markets. We trade a wide variety of valuable materials including Oil, Metals, Gold, Silver, and FOREX also Cryptocurrency…
HourSoftBank’s plans are:
1.49% – 2% Hourly For 70 Hours
Spent Amount ($)
Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1
$5 – $449
Plan 2
$450 – $1000
5% – 8% Hourly For 40 Hours
Spent Amount ($)
Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1
$450 – $4449
Plan 2
$4500 – $45000
15% – 18% Hourly For 20 Hours
Spent Amount ($)
Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1
$4500 – $4999
Plan 2
$5000 – $450000
1.2% Daily For 60 Days
Spent Amount ($)
Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1
$25 – $10000
6% Daily For 20 Days
Spent Amount ($)
Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1
$50000 – $500000
110% After 4 Days
Spent Amount ($)
Profit (%)
Plan 1
$500 – $50000
Invest through our links and get your referral commissions back. ref commission is %3.0 and we give %95 of that back.
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4 years ago
from may 2nd widrawal not recive what happen?? to transsaction from now on its still pending not recive to may bitcoin account???
Sorry, We can’t help you because you are not our referral.
We only can help our own referrals, when someone is our referral , we know he/she made the deposit, the date and the amount also we are sure that they didn’t cheat the referral system of the program as they are our ref ).
When you are not our referral we don’t know anything about your account and your actions.
Ahmed rashad
4 years ago
The same problem with me now my account don’t confirm withdrawal requests and they told me that my account want to be reactivating how can I solve this problem
We do really sorry to hear that , We only can help our own referrals.
You ask your upline to help you.
Good luck
ahmed mohamed
4 years ago
Hi Dear
i invested 450 SD in hoursoftbank second plan and withdraw my money but didn’t receive i contact with them they told me you need to reactivate your account by the same amount
please can you help me ?
I think they trying to scam me again
We’ve received many reports that they block deposits with large amount of money We highly recommend not making deposit larger than your afford to loss zone. If you want to invest, then only the minimum amounts and only on the first investment plan.
We mentioned the problem.
By the way we do our best to help you out to get your money.
We changed their status and sent them a warning email. (also negative votes) you can give it negative vote on ISP and HL.
“” Hello, I’m ‘s admin
Why have you blocked my ref’s withdrawal ?
UserName is : abideeka2010
Email is : ahm.****
Your status has been changed to SCAM.
We will change your status when you fix his issue.
Thanks in advance. “”
We hope they deposit your withdrawal.
Let us know what happens.
hi Dear
thank you for your support and help ,
they delete my account I can’t login or recover my passwords
because is site told me there is no account with this email found .
now I contact them and provide them my payeer account
and waiting there answer
We are really happy to hear that.
Your welcome.
Good Luck.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.18.20 09:03 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324415759. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.17.20 07:27 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324266453. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.16.20 06:53 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324107148. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant..
07.15.20 08:36 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323957930. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.14.20 09:35 Account Receive +5.07 Received Payment 5.07 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323811470. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.13.20 07:01 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323630727. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.12.20 07:18 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323497581. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.09.20 07:54 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323070393. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.08.20 06:36 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322903754. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.07.20 05:58 Account Receive +3.87 Received Payment 3.87 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322746146. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.06.20 06:24 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322597127. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.05.20 16:26 Account Receive +2.09 Received Payment 2.09 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322533165. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.04.20 07:58 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322332618. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.03.20 17:46 Account Receive +3.27 Received Payment 3.27 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322270807. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
07.02.20 17:15 Account Receive +1.49 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322122067. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago
I have tested and they seem to be ok. But my deposit was under $100. I really want to deposit $450 into their 2nd plan but I am nervous. Has anyone received a withdrawal from any of their plans besides the first plan?
We’ve received many reports that they block deposits with large amount of money
We highly recommend not making deposit larger than your afford to loss zone.
If you want to invest, then only the minimum amounts and only on the first investment plan. pays instant.
07.01.20 06:32 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321478931. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.30.20 16:35 Account Receive +2.38 Received Payment 2.38 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321411602. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.30.20 08:10 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321335674. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.29.20 07:27 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321181186. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.28.20 17:10 Account Receive +2.98 Received Payment 2.98 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321117625. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.28.20 07:59 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321045614. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.27.20 10:04 Account Receive +4.77 Received Payment 4.77 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320934689. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.26.20 07:28 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320782284. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.25.20 07:39 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320649032. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
06.24.20 12:15 Account Receive +0.29 Received Payment 0.29 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320545833. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago
I’ve got my account blocked.
All my withdrawals have been pending for long time:
Unfortunately you are not our referral; if you were our referral , we would change its status to scam with no delay and ask them why. But we mention the problem in our monitoring blog on the top of its page.
( This method ( changing the program status ) doesn’t always work but if the program wants to keep their program for longer time , they will fix the issue )
Now you should ask your upline ( the person you registered with his link) to help you.
Thanks for your report.
4 years ago
You cannot edit your address once you have put it in. Be aware of this as they refuse to let you change it once you have deposited money. They have very poor customer service.
Avoid this site at all costs. They will scam you. In order to take out my money they are saying that I will need to deposit even more money. Scam site.
That’s good that you haven’t deposited too much.
If they do not accept to change your wallet to the wallet that you have made the deposit by, that’s suspicious. pays instant.
05.31.20 10:37 Account Receive +10.43 Received Payment 10.43 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316770007. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
05.30.20 07:39 Account Receive +11.18 Received Payment 11.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316625904. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
05.29.20 16:04 Account Receive +5.96 Received Payment 5.96 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316554970. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
4 years ago pays instant.
05.28.20 15:53 Account Receive +5.21 Received Payment 5.21 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316416704. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
from may 2nd widrawal not recive what happen?? to transsaction from now on its still pending not recive to may bitcoin account???
It is scam for about a month.
Can you help me please
Sorry, We can’t help you because you are not our referral.
We only can help our own referrals, when someone is our referral , we know he/she made the deposit, the date and the amount also we are sure that they didn’t cheat the referral system of the program as they are our ref ).
When you are not our referral we don’t know anything about your account and your actions.
The same problem with me now my account don’t confirm withdrawal requests and they told me that my account want to be reactivating how can I solve this problem
We do really sorry to hear that , We only can help our own referrals.
You ask your upline to help you.
Good luck
Hi Dear
i invested 450 SD in hoursoftbank second plan and withdraw my money but didn’t receive i contact with them they told me you need to reactivate your account by the same amount
please can you help me ?
I think they trying to scam me again
We’ve received many reports that they block deposits with large amount of money
We highly recommend not making deposit larger than your afford to loss zone.
If you want to invest, then only the minimum amounts and only on the first investment plan.
We mentioned the problem.
By the way we do our best to help you out to get your money.
We changed their status and sent them a warning email. (also negative votes) you can give it negative vote on ISP and HL.
“” Hello, I’m ‘s admin
Why have you blocked my ref’s withdrawal ?
UserName is : abideeka2010
Email is : ahm.****
Your status has been changed to SCAM.
We will change your status when you fix his issue.
Thanks in advance. “”
We hope they deposit your withdrawal.
Let us know what happens.
We are trying to help you.
thank you for your help
they are block my account
Haven’t you contacted them?
contact them to get your money and let us know whether you receive your money or not.
Hello, We sent you two emails in 48 hours ago.
The program’s owner claim that they refund your money.
Please let us know whether you have been paid or not.
hi Dear
thank you for your support and help ,
they delete my account I can’t login or recover my passwords
because is site told me there is no account with this email found .
now I contact them and provide them my payeer account
and waiting there answer
best regard
hi dear
really I don’t know how to thank you
they are refund my money
back principal only
very than k you
best regard
We are really happy to hear that.
Your welcome.
Good Luck. pays instant.
07.18.20 09:03 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324415759. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.17.20 07:27 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324266453. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.16.20 06:53 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 324107148. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant..
07.15.20 08:36 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323957930. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.14.20 09:35 Account Receive +5.07 Received Payment 5.07 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323811470. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.13.20 07:01 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323630727. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.12.20 07:18 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323497581. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.09.20 07:54 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 323070393. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.08.20 06:36 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322903754. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.07.20 05:58 Account Receive +3.87 Received Payment 3.87 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322746146. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.06.20 06:24 Account Receive +3.58 Received Payment 3.58 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322597127. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.05.20 16:26 Account Receive +2.09 Received Payment 2.09 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322533165. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.04.20 07:58 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322332618. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.03.20 17:46 Account Receive +3.27 Received Payment 3.27 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322270807. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
07.02.20 17:15 Account Receive +1.49 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 322122067. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
I have tested and they seem to be ok. But my deposit was under $100. I really want to deposit $450 into their 2nd plan but I am nervous. Has anyone received a withdrawal from any of their plans besides the first plan?
Have you seen our note on the top of the page?
And also there is comment a user which got its account blocked: pays instant.
07.01.20 06:32 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321478931. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.30.20 16:35 Account Receive +2.38 Received Payment 2.38 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321411602. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.30.20 08:10 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321335674. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.29.20 07:27 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321181186. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.28.20 17:10 Account Receive +2.98 Received Payment 2.98 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321117625. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.28.20 07:59 Account Receive +4.47 Received Payment 4.47 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 321045614. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.27.20 10:04 Account Receive +4.77 Received Payment 4.77 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320934689. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.26.20 07:28 Account Receive +4.17 Received Payment 4.17 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320782284. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.25.20 07:39 Account Receive +4.18 Received Payment 4.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320649032. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
06.24.20 12:15 Account Receive +0.29 Received Payment 0.29 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 320545833. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.
I’ve got my account blocked.

All my withdrawals have been pending for long time:
We are so sorry to hear that.
Unfortunately you are not our referral; if you were our referral , we would change its status to scam with no delay and ask them why. But we mention the problem in our monitoring blog on the top of its page.
( This method ( changing the program status ) doesn’t always work but if the program wants to keep their program for longer time , they will fix the issue )
Now you should ask your upline ( the person you registered with his link) to help you.
Thanks for your report.
You cannot edit your address once you have put it in. Be aware of this as they refuse to let you change it once you have deposited money. They have very poor customer service.
Avoid this site at all costs. They will scam you. In order to take out my money they are saying that I will need to deposit even more money. Scam site.
The chat logs are a bit out of order. I may be wrong but this seems unusual. I haven’t had to do this on any other platform.
Hello dear Cameron,
We are so sorry to hear that.
Some times this method will be used to keep the accounts safe and some times for scamming.
How much have you deposited? Can you withdraw it to the account that you have made the deposit by?
Not too much. Was my initial test amount. I cannot withdraw it to the deposit address.
That’s good that you haven’t deposited too much.
If they do not accept to change your wallet to the wallet that you have made the deposit by, that’s suspicious.
Ethereum will also NOT withdraw. pays instant.
05.31.20 10:37 Account Receive +10.43 Received Payment 10.43 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316770007. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
05.30.20 07:39 Account Receive +11.18 Received Payment 11.18 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316625904. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
05.29.20 16:04 Account Receive +5.96 Received Payment 5.96 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316554970. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning. pays instant.
05.28.20 15:53 Account Receive +5.21 Received Payment 5.21 USD from account U8716408 to account U7664***. Batch: 316416704. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Bicycle from Your Future Passive Earning.